Morning Bowling

Morning bowling has been neglected for the last few years, so in an attempt to revitalize it, we ask all of you who would like to do this, to let us know who you are, on the form below,

I know that some of you like to just do your own thing, and that is fine, but an organized game lets you play against different players, and allows for more socialization, which is so important for everyone.

From the smattering of feedback so far, it seems that the favourite time would be Wednesdays at 10:30am. People who have shown interest currently are:
  1. Jerry
  2. Diana
  3. John
  4. Geoff
  5. David
It seems to me that we need a critical mass of at least 6. Eight or more would be better, so that, if someone cannot make it one week, the others will still be enough to run a game.
Enter your name below, if you are interested.

Enter your name
