Trip to Medicine Hat
14-15-16 July
In this event:-
This is a BA sponsored tournament, run by The Medicine Hat LBC. It is the only one they have, and the only one that is geared towards social bowlers. For these reasons we at the Royal like to support it, and they always make it a fun weekend.
Traditionally we rented a bus to go down there, but the bus has become too expensive, So, we are going to try something different this year.
We plan to rent mini vans to take about 6 people each. This will of course, depend on getting enough people willing to drive.
The Royal will rent the vans & gas, pay for the 2 nights hotel, and the registration fees, so the whole weekend will cost you nothing. The Medicine Hat club will put on lunch on Saturday, and a BBQ supper, along with a bag lunch to go home with on Sunday. The hotel provides breakfast Saturday & Sunday, so the only thing you are on the hook for is your own meals in transit Friday.
As far as the actual tournament is concerned, we play 3 games on Saturday, and the playoffs on Sunday morning. We are playing for the rights to have our names engraved on the trophy, and having a good time.
- Peter
- Dolly
- Eng
- Francis
- Dean
- Casey
- Fay
- Joe
- Geoff
- John
- Valerie
- Luc
- Georgia
- Margaret
- Barbara
- Ian