Cut Throat Tournament - Saturday 10th June

List 9th June
  1. Peter
  2. Johanne
  3. Dennis

  1. John
  2. Valerie
  3. Merv

  1. Jerry
  2. Dolly
  3. Ian H or S

  1. Vernon
  2. Francis
  3. Barbara
  1. Randy
  2. Donna
  3. Stella

In this tournament:-
  • We play 2 X 8 end games + play offs - Start time 10:30am.
  • You play as an individual against 2 other individuals
  • Scoring is a little different.
  • 3 points for the bowl closest to the jack, 2 for the second, and 1 for the third.
  • Players will be accepted in draw, in the order of date/time registered.
  • Players will be spares until there are three, or if tournament is full (more than 24).
  • Players will be assigned greens by random draw in both games
  • The top 3 players (combined scores)will play off for the trophy.
  • It saves time if you use 2 jacks, and the perceived winner of the end sets the jack for the next end. That is of course, if all 3 agree.

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